Job Board Descriptions – Challenges & Benefits Are Better Than Responsibilities

Job Board Descriptions – Challenges & Benefits Are Better Than Responsibilities

Written by WWCode HQ

Career Navigation

When an employer writes a job ad, they often try to describe the role that the person they are looking to hire will have to fill. The way that you do this is very important. If you use language that emphasizes the tasks, and duties that the person will have to handle, then your description will come across as tedious, unexciting, and uninspiring.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t describe the role. However it is important to frame their responsibilities as challenges, rather than burdens. Don’t describe a role as requiring someone to lead a team, tell them that they will be at the head of a team. Don’t tell them that they will have to handle security, instead inspire them by calling them potential defenders of your product integrity. The emphasis that you use can have a dramatic effect on how perceive your opportunity.

Bad: Engineer needed to help design and implement a Big Data Platform based on the Hadoop ecosystem.
Good: Big Data Platform engineer needed to join a great company that offers remote work options and maternity leave.

Bad: Senior engineers at our company receive sizable bonuses and generous vacation allotments.
Good: Take on a leadership role running and maintaining large products.

Job Board Description Best Practices

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