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WWCode Sydney

Our Community

Women Who Code started as a community group in 2011 when a handful of technologists decided they wanted to change the industry experience for women engineers. Since then, it has become a global non-profit organization and the world’s largest and most active community dedicated to empowering women to excel in technology careers. One city at a time, Women Who Code spread around the world, reaching more than 20 countries.

Women Who Code Sydney was launched in 2014 when local leaders, including Georgi Knox, stepped up to architect the community. The first event was held in April at Atlassian. Since then, amazing things have happened!

Engineers have had great experiences that helped them level up in their career. Our events create a space where women from our industry, can share their common challenges and help each other grow.

Industry leaders have shared their expertise, including panels taking on topics like “the journey into tech,” “advice for others,” “diversity,” and “should you have a degree to be in tech.”

Companies, inspired to help change the face of tech, have joined the cause, including great local partners like AtlassianFinderGumtreeeBayCanvaThoughtworksOptiver, and Quantium.

Women Who Code leaders have been recognized as industry leaders, and continue to pave the way to a more diverse and inclusive workplace experience for everyone.

Director Claire Tran spoke about the importance of Women Who Code in Sydney saying, “the industry is still heavily male-dominated, and this will take a long time shift. I see Women Who Code as a space for people to grow in skills and confidence. Without a network, women may not continue in tech, which is a bigger problem that needs to be addressed. At times, companies may not know how to make a positive change and that's where Women Who Code can help.”

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Many thanks to our partner who supports Women Who Code in our city!