WWCode (Women Who Code) connect conference 2018
Written by Larisa Masalimova
Original post published here.
I had a great opportunity to attend the WWCode conference on April 28th, 2018 at the Twitter HQ, San Francisco. I am very thankful for such a great opportunity that was given to me by an amazing organization, the WWC. It was also my first time attending the Tech Conference and it exceeded my expectations!
First and foremost, a huge thank you to the hosting company, Twitter, for facilitating the ideas and inspiration sharing. It feels great to know that such a large and omnipresent tech company like Twitter supports diversity in tech. No to mention that all the Twitter representatives were eager to share their experience at Twitter and seemed very happy with their jobs, which made me eager to work there too.

What I enjoyed a lot about the conference is the opportunity to dive in and work on the data projects right at the conference. Yelp hosted a data science workshop which I enjoyed a lot. It was an interesting preview of a real day-to-day job of a data scientist plus an opportunity to work with the real company data on predicting the reviewer’s future rating.

All the speakers were truly inspirational as they shared their experiences, failures, ideas, and career advice. The conference organizers have drawn quite a line-up of the exceptional speakers, great job on that! There were also many sponsor booths from major companies, where you could talk to HR and current employees directly.

It was a great way to spend Saturday and get to know so many great women in tech! Thank you WomenWhoCode and please keep it up.