WWCode Helped Me Learn React.js Hooks
Written by WWC Team
A big thank you to Women Who Code for enabling me to attend React Training with Ryan Florence and Michael Jackson. What an incredible 2 days it was! The room was full of 40+ developers with all levels of React.js experience. Ryan and Michael conduct the training in such a way that it works for both those new to React and who have been using it for years. That is especially true with the trainings this year, as Hooks are new to even many experienced React developers.
Ryan and Michael peppered their technical explanations with witty remarks and jokes, making the training entertaining as well as educational. But while we all had a good time, they also put us to work every hour or so, implementing features using React. We implemented features of an exercise tracker app, such as authenticating the user, using local storage to save the user’s input, and implementing a dynamic feed. Their style of teaching plus having hands on the keyboard solidified the concepts for me and I came away much more comfortable with React Hooks.
I was surprised to note that only around 15-20% of the attendees were women. This highlights the importance of WWC’s ability to sponsor women at trainings and conferences when possible. It was an amazing learning opportunity for me and I appreciate that WWC supported my desire to attend.