WW<CODE> Maker Bytes

WW<CODE> Maker Bytes

Written by WWCode Core Team

Maker Bytes

Issue 2

We are building pretty amazing features and we want to highlight that work with our stakeholders, you! We have some amazing people working tirelessly to make our apps better. We want to say a huge THANK YOU to them.

You can follow all of our work on github. Below are a few snippets of our awesome features.

This Week

This week we worked on small features and lots of bug fixes.

Our Website


  • Feature: Added a space for an “Announcement.” Issue and PR
  • Feature: Leverage our event model to send event tweet reminders. WWCode SF will start to test this out. Issue and PR
  • Code Cleanup: Cleanup meetup cache into a library. Issue and Issue and PR

In The Works

  • Announcement Box – Fixed throughout page scroll. Issue
  • Our own job board! Pretty soon, we are going to be able to view companies who are hiring, see what benefits they offer and compare. See our mocks!


Our Android App (currently a Prototype)

Check out the DEMO Prototype!


  • Code Cleanup: Remove unused strings, vars and functions and Reformatted code and optimized imports.
    PR and PR and PR
  • Renaming packages: Issue, Issue, PR and PR
  • More Clean Up: Remove Deprecated API usage Issue, PR, PR and PR

In The Works

  • UI/UX update for beta


In other news


Progress is coming along with ACHAW. We would like to thank Ryan McMahon (Project Manager) & Jay Wengrow (CEO) for working hard on this. We’ll announce the students work on this project within a few weeks!

Talk to us

Any ideas about existing features, new features, getting involved as a contributor, please share it in this FORM and/or watch our repos on Github.


We are looking for a Designer/Thinker/Doer part-time. Please nominate someone here or send us your info using this FORM