I Met The Future of Front-End Dev at Front Porch
Written by Sara Inés Calderón
Front Porch was my favorite tech conference ever. I was excited to attend Front Porch Conference in Austin, Texas after Women Who Code and the conference awarded me a ticket on July 19, 2016.
I was super impressed by the high quality of the presentations, breadth and depth of the material, and the earnest intentions of the organizers. I loved that the presenters were diverse, that the organizers took the code of conduct seriously, and that this conference included more women than I’m used to seeing at tech conferences.
I was also very impressed by Stacy Kirk’s presentation “Front End Testing of Node.js Applications” because I learned a lot about QA, both from an architectural standpoint, and also from a user perspective. Her depth of knowledge was impressive and inspired me to learn more about QA.
Learning about ES6 during Ben Ilegbodu’s presentation “React + ES.next = <3“ was wonderful! My cohorts and I agreed that the explanations he gave about complex ES6 concepts were really good, and I already saved this presentation for future reference.
I learned a lot about how simple HTML5 can make all the difference when it comes to accessibility with the presentation, “Simple. Accessible. Fast.” Estelle Weyl gave an excellent presentation, highlighting practical examples and definitely giving me a lot to think about in terms of accessibility moving forward.
I also enjoyed learning about the future of the Web Animations API with Dan Wilson and was surprised and happy to learn about visual regression testing with Jon Bellah.
Overall, I feel like the conference gave me an excellent introduction to new concepts in front end development and a good point of departure to continue to learn. I hope to attend the conference again in the future.
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