Glenna Buford: Software Engineer, Mentor & Friend

Glenna Buford: Software Engineer, Mentor & Friend

Written by WWCode HQ

Member Reflections

It wasn’t passion but aptitude that initially drew Glenna Buford to the tech world. While in college, she decided to take her first programming class in order to fulfill a math requirement. However once she started, she realized she had a natural talent for coding. That in turn fueled her enthusiasm for the discipline, and she quickly got hooked on the excitement of solving problems and fixing bugs using logical strategies.

She was able to pick up the technical aspects of coding quickly and soon earned a Masters in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University. However upon entering the professional world she found that she had one thing holding her back; she was a very shy person and that made it difficult for her to network and connect with others.

Recognizing that this was a challenge she resolved herself to fixing the issue. Her first step was to join a variety of professional community groups including Women Who Code. By attending conferences and events, she became more confident in her ability to reach out to others, network, and take her career to the next level.
She was so successful in her efforts, that people today have trouble believing that there was ever a time when she was shy at all. She was able to make new friends and industry connections, while organizing various events for women in the mobile development community within the Bay Area. Her newfound confidence also allowed her to achieve a position as a software engineer with Apportable.

Today Glenna has a successful career doing something she loves with a respected company. In her spare time she is teaching herself Swift, and working on a top secret app that she isn’t allowed to talk about. Recently she also got approval for a mentorship program at her company, which gives her the opportunity to work with and guide someone considering a career in the tech industry.

When asked what advice she had for women in the field, Glenna said, “Don’t be shy. No seriously. Don’t. Everyone you see at a networking event is probably feeling the same way you are. Just find someone else standing alone or in a group of two, extend your hand and introduce yourself with a confident handshake. You will be amazed at the reactions you get (all positive, I promise). I’ve made many connections and friends this way. You have a cool story; share it.”

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Media Contact: Neal Brown | Chief of Staff

Address: Women Who Code HQ, 44 Tehama St, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
