Code of Balance Wellness Toolkit: Embracing You | January

Code of Balance Wellness Toolkit: Embracing You | January

Written by Manda Frederick & Sarah Healy

Mental Health

Welcome to this month’s Code of Balance – your wellness toolkit for diverse technologists. Dive into “Embracing You,” a journey of self-discovery without the pressure of resolutions. Explore this toolkit through thought-provoking self-reflection, valuable resources, cool tools, affirmations to guide you through your busy days, and a curated Spotify playlist for your month. It’s not about reinventing yourself; it’s about appreciating the extraordinary individual you already are. 

As the new year unfolds, the atmosphere is frequently filled with aspirations for a “new year, new me.” Rather than chasing the idea of a complete reinvention each year, shift your focus to the continuous journey of personal growth and wellness. Embracing the evolution of who you are, building on your strengths, and learning from experience can lead to a more fulfilling path than the pressure to reinvent yourself annually. Pause for a moment and contemplate: 

  • What are you most proud of from 2023? 
  • What lessons did you learn? 
  • What do you wish you had done differently? 

Revisit some older goals, explore new ones, and stick with a “new year, same extraordinary me” mindset. Are you ready? 

❣️Just a reminder, we are not mental health professionals – just your techie besties sharing what works for us! If you are experiencing any health issues or mental health crises in the workplace, please contact your People Team/HR or a mental health professional. 

Wellness Toolkit: Embracing You 

 🎧 We encourage starting this month’s January “Embracing You” Playlist as you go through the rest of the toolkit. 

Checking in 

Are you embracing yourself and your journey or pressuring yourself to excel, achieve, and transform in a way that does not align with your wellness? 

Explore this self-reflection check-in to dive deeper into your 2024 self-discovery and nurture your well-being in alignment with our monthly theme. Take a moment, sip  some water, vibe with our curated playlist, and just breathe. 

How are you embracing yourself without the pressures of resolutions? 

These questions emphasize the importance of learning, growing, and setting realistic goals for yourself going into the new year. How do they resonate with you?

Accomplish Your Goals with Women Who Code! 

Take a moment to think about your goals for 2024. If you need inspiration, explore our list below for ideas on how to mark off your goals for the upcoming year. Choose at least three goals, and remember, there’s no need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.

Tools we love for the new year! 

Check out some tools you might love for setting cool and realistic goals in 2024. Below, you’ll find some great examples of apps, books, podcasts, and more to empower you each month to thrive on your wellness journey! 

📱 Apps 

  • Habit-building and productivity apps | Apps like Habitica treat real life like a game, and Greatness tracks your habits. 
  • Language-learning apps | Duolingo and Babbel will teach you a new language in 2024.
  • Social and earth-conscious apps | Develop a better you! Too Good to Go connects you to restaurants and stores that have surplus unsold food at a discounted price. ThredUp allows you to shop secondhand while reducing the fashion waste crisis. 

😎 Cool Things 

 📺 Media 

🧘🏼‍♀️ WWCode Content

Affirmations for the new year

An affirmation is a positive statement you say or think that reinforces self-belief or personal goals. Research tells us that affirmations work because of neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections in response to learning. You can change your brain by changing your thinking, which can support a more constructive mindset. 

Take a few minutes, find a quiet place, and listen to this month’s WWCode affirmations on embracing you in the new year as a diverse technologists. 

  • My goals are realistic, achievable, and aligned with my values and aspirations.
  • I celebrate my achievements, big and small, as they contribute to my success.
  • I take stock of my progress, acknowledging the skills and knowledge I’ve gained.
  • I find joy in the journey of learning and adapting to new challenges in technology.
  • I set boundaries that prioritize my well-being, both personally and professionally.
  • Self-care is a priority, and I actively engage in practices that support my mental and emotional health.
  • Setbacks are learning opportunities, and I approach them with resilience and self-compassion.
  • I maintain a healthy balance between short-term tasks and long-term goals, fostering sustained success.
  • The process of learning and adapting to new challenges is as important as the destination.
  • Each day, I express gratitude to myself for the effort and dedication I invest in my growth.

Wellness resources 

If you or someone you know is in crisis, free and confidential 24-hour support is available. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or call or text 988. 

Previous WWCode Wellness Toolkits 

Check out our previous toolkits to help you thrive in your personal life and your career!