WW<CODE> Maker Bytes
Written by WWCode Core Team
Issue 129
We are building features for the Women Who Code community and we want to highlight that work with our stakeholders, you! THANK YOU to our contributors for dedicating their valuable time to help us build tech a place where women can excel.
You can follow all of our work on github. Below are a few snippets of our awesome features.
New Events Page View
We're redesigning the events page to be clearer, cleaner, and easier to read and interact with allowing you to find the best free WWCode tech events in your area.
Functions being included:
– shows "recurring event" for a repeating event
– shows "featured" for featured events
– shows both "featured" and "recurring event" for an event that is both
– an event with no end time displays only the start time
– an event with both start and end time displays a range like "5:30 pm – 10:30pm"
– an event with an end time that is the same as the start time only shows the start time
– shows only network location, not specific location, if venue_visible flag is set to false
– the register button brings you to the event listing
– all register buttons have google analytics click tracking
Added an Events API
We added a new route and JSON template for /events/search.json in order to pave the roard towards implementing the new events display page design as well as infinite scroll.
Network Leaders Redesign
Implemented new front end designs of mocks which allow for the display of both current and Legacy Network Directors on Network About pages of the website.
Our Website
Our repo is private, yet running under an open source license. Instead of pointing to issues and PRs, we are including a screenshot of what our weekly pulse looks like.
Existing website contributors, please check out our pulse!
Potential website contributors, please email coreteam@womenwhocode.com with your GitHub username to get started. It's built in Ruby on Rails + React + Postgresql.
Talk to us
Any ideas about existing features, new features, getting involved as a contributor, please share it in this FORM and/or watch our repos on Github.
To submit feedback, comments or questions email coreteam@womenwhocode.com, we would love to hear from you.
User Research is a Team Sport
Join our User Research Team! Be the first to check out all of the great products that we are building and have your voice heard from the earliest stages of development.