WW<CODE> Maker Bytes
Written by WWCode Core Team
Issue 11
We are building pretty amazing features and we want to highlight that work with our stakeholders, you! THANK YOU to our contributors for dedicating some of their free time to making tech a place where women can excel.
You can follow all of our work on github. Below are a few snippets of our awesome features.
This Week
The overall app health of our api improved this week! We had needed security improvements and used CodeClimate as a general health check guide. Our GPA on Code Climate went from a 3.5 to 4.0. The improvement is in large part thanks to littleforest and levans248!
Our Website
This repo is private, if you are not an existing contributor, you will get 404 errors on the below links. We are planning on open sourcing it soon!!!
Meanwhile, if you are interested in contributing to the website repo, please email core-team@womenwhocode.com with your github username. It's built in Ruby on Rails.
Job Board:
In The Works
Our own job board!
Pretty soon, we are going to be able to view companies who are hiring, see what benefits they offer and compare. See our mocks!
Our Android App (currently a Prototype)
Check out the DEMO Prototype!
In The Works
We are working on design for many of our app flows. In the meantime, there are issues to work on that are less design dependent. We welcome PR submissions for these issues!
- Upgrade Rails issue and PR.
- Whitelist user authentication actions issue and PR.
- Use strong params issue, issue, PR, and PR.
Clean Up:
- Remove irrelevant dev setup README instructions Issue and PR.
- Remove duplicate personalization controller spec issue and PR.
- Fix display of posts and corresponding replies issue and PR.
In The Works
Figuring out design implementation details to merge website backend and our api.
In other news
Talk to us
Any ideas about existing features, new features, getting involved as a contributor, please share it in this FORM and/or watch our repos on Github.
To submit feedback, comments or questions email core-team@womenwhocode.com, we would love to hear from you.
We are looking for a Designer/Thinker/Doer part-time. Please nominate someone or send us your info using this FORM